Choose Your MOMents

Life is a series of


We get to choose how we live them.

Often the things that we think matter in life, don’t. All that matters are the MOMents.

Elizabeth De Sevo

Transform Your Life,
One MOMent at a Time

This book is designed with inspirational quotes to help you choose the moments to enrich your everyday life.

MOMents is a point of reflection. A chance to pivot. A reminder to live your life with intention. To be willing to make the choices that will bring you more rewarding experiences. Great MOMents are always available to us, and in all ways.

What You'll Learn

The power of choice

choices a day
are the same
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In a world full of choices, options, and variety, we have the choice to go on. Choose better moments and choose to better our moments.

Elizabeth De Sevo author photo (1)

Elizabeth De Sevo

What Readers Are Saying

Christy Whitman

«What you will find on these pages are 80 gems of pure wisdom.»

New York Times Best Selling Author

Viktor Petrenko

«This book is a unique and inspiring perspective on how to approach life.»

Olympic Gold Medalist

Wishing you the best of life, one MOMent at a time.

Choose Your MOMents